Common questions (and answers) about eCatholic LIVE
Streaming with eCatholic LIVE is easy and we can help! Our streaming experts have helped set up eCatholic LIVE customers all over the world. No matter what equipment you are using, we will help you every step of the way.
eCatholic LIVE technical support is included with every eCatholic LIVE account. If you have an issue you can call or email our support team and one of our experts will be happy to help.
If you experience an issue after normal working hours (Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm Central), log in to your eCatholic LIVE portal. In your Dashboard, locate the Support section at the bottom of your dashboard homepage and click Email.
Within minutes of each live broadcast, your archive is automatically posted for on-demand viewing directly on your custom eCatholic LIVE players.
Yes! With eCatholic LIVE's HTML5 based video players, your content is accessible on all desktop, mobile & OTT devices, including Apple, Android, PC, Mac, Chromecast, Roku and more.
Included with every eCatholic LIVE account are instant viewer analytics detailing all aspects of your streaming service. Find out how many viewers watched your broadcasts, what broadcasts were most popular, viewer maps, viewer duration and much more!
Yes, with eCatholic LIVE's Simulated-Live functionality, a previously-recorded archive or uploaded video can be scheduled to re-broadcast at a date and time you designate through the eCatholic LIVE Customer Portal.
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Our team is here to help (with a smile).
Have a question we didn't cover here? You're not at the end of the rope yet. Our team is here to help (with a smile).