Yes, you heard me right. But not like Jesus—like Peter.
It is night. Peter and the disciples are in a boat that is being tossed by the waves because the wind is against it. Suddenly, the disciples see a man walking on the water. They cry out in fear.
At once Jesus speaks to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."
In a moment of hope, Peter says "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Jesus replies with one word, "Come".
Propelled by faith, Peter steps out of the boat to accomplish the seemingly impossible. With his eyes fixed on Jesus, he begins to walk on water!
On June 1, 2005, I experienced a pivotal "Peter moment" that changed my life forever.
For four years, I had served as a Catholic youth minister, director of faith formation, and music minister. During that time, I was also creating websites on nights and weekends to supplement my income for my growing family.
In April 2005, our second child was born and between my role at the church and my side business of websites, I was working 70-hour weeks. The winds had grown strong and the waves were becoming too much to bear.
Something had to give.
I had an idea. What if I could continue to serve the Church without working for the Church? What if I could take my love for web design and use it to help solve a dire need in the Church? And what if I could make enough money doing it to support my family?
Yes! This was it. This was what God was calling me to do!
But wait, what if I failed? What if I quit a secure job that I loved to chase a big idea, only to sink in the waters of the unknown?
Paralyzed by fear, I cried out. At once, I heard a familiar voice say, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid. Come".
In faith, I stepped out of the boat onto the waters of self-employment entrepreneurship.
Nineteen years later, I am so thankful to still be serving the Church through eCatholic with such an amazing team! It's been an exciting ride and I've learned many great lessons along the way.
Fear paralyzes us from becoming who God created us to be. Be not afraid! If God calls, he will also provide.
Faith is not just believing, it's acting. You'll never walk on water if you stay in the boat.
Nothing is impossible through Jesus. But we must keep our eyes fixed on him. Otherwise, we'll begin to sink. Just ask Peter (Matthew 14:30).
Every day, we're called to step out of the boat in faith and sometimes even do the impossible. How might God be calling you to step out of the boat today?
What is one "Peter moment" that you've experienced? Please share below so we can all be inspired by your story!