My wife and I recently had the opportunity to visit Shiner, Texas. It's been on our bucket list for quite some time. Our good friend, Msgr. Michael Colwell, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua in Dalhart, Texas, was able to make the trip with us.
After racing down Texas Highways 21, 77, 609, and 95, we barely made the last tour of the Spoetzl Brewery, makers of our favorite brew - Shiner Bock.
Msgr. Colwell suggested that we also tour the local Catholic parish - Sts. Cyril and Methodius. He had been introduced to this parish as part of the The Painted Churches of Texas while he was attending Assumption Seminary in San Antonio. I was ready to get home, but at the request of a priest and an insistent glare by my wife, I complied. And boy am I glad I did!
The craftsmanship of the parish was beautiful inside and out. I had left my DSLR camera at home, so I had to use my backup camera (iPhone) and apply the 5 tricks for better iPhone pictures.
If you live in South Texas, or are ever passing through, be sure to stop by and visit this astonishing church!
Special thanks to Ann for the warm welcome and Deacon Joe for turning on the lights for me.