eCatholic Release Notes provides a brief look at what we’re accomplishing for you through our product releases, upgrades, and internal workings. Our goal is to help you stay in-the-know while we strive to keep improving. Enjoy our November 2018 edition of Release Notes!
Easily include Advent content on your website with the seasonal Advent Module!
Invite your community to draw deeper into the season with daily Advent reflections that automatically update once you drag and drop the new module onto a webpage.
Add the Advent module to your site and discover other ways to create an engaging Advent page for your website.
These features are now available in the eCatholic CMS! Keep an eye out the next time you log into your website.
Earlier this month, all eCatholic LIVE Pro and Premiere accounts received a video storage upgrade for their on-demand video at no additional cost. Since high-definition video uses a lot of hard drive space, both types of plans now offer additional storage.
With our latest eCatholic LIVE update, you can now add closed captioning to your archived videos! This feature allows those with hearing impairments to still enjoy your video content through on-screen text transcriptions.
Learn more: How to add closed captions to a video in your eCatholic LIVE archive.
This is the initial release of a new feature that will allow you to auto-generate captions using voice recognition. (Beta coming soon!)
Even with 20 employees in 15 cities across North America, eCatholic still manages to be a dynamic and well formed team. Using various methods of communication to interact with each other, a company thread is how we openly share prayer requests, work achievements, company news, and excellent jokes with our team members.
However, this time of year there is a trend of posts from our most southern Texans in which they gleefully share their first snow sightings, if any (see below, left)...while our northern team explains how it could take days of agony to dig themselves out after a major snowfall (see below, right).
As December approaches, does your climate tend to make you weathered by winter, or want to dance at the sight of snow?
Weather is always a fun topic to share with people from different climates. For example, eCatholic Evangelist Natalie Johnson explained that in her hometown of McAllen, Texas it snowed last December for the first time in 13 years. Then there are Quick Flip Coordinator Abbey Nagel and Brand Evangelist Matthew Kurtz from North Dakota, where historically snowfall has been recorded in every month except July and August.
When discussing locations or natural landscapes Abbey and Matthew are a few hours from the North Dakota Badlands where wild bison still roam, and Natalie is only minutes from the U.S. border with Mexico in McAllen, TX — a.k.a. "The City of Palms."
Graphic Designer Amy Leung’s city of Vancouver is surrounded by mountain ranges and forestry where Quick Flipper Sarah Rennie is nestled in the desertscapes of Las Vegas.
With so many various climates and landscapes all in one continent, it’s always fascinating to discover a little bit about where someone lives and works. What’s outside your office window?